round 对浮点数进行四舍五入
发表日期:2021-07-01 08:56:08 | 来源: | | 浏览(926) 分类:Math 函数
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)
round — 对浮点数进行四舍五入
, int $precision
= 0, int $mode
返回将 val
If the
is positive,val
is rounded toprecision
significant digits after the decimal point.If the
is negative,val
is rounded toprecision
significant digits before the decimal point, i.e. to the nearest multiple ofpow(10, -precision)
, e.g. for aprecision
of -1val
is rounded to tens, for aprecision
of -2 to hundreds, etc. -
Use one of the following constants to specify the mode in which rounding occurs.
Rounds val
away from zero when it is half way there, making 1.5 into 2 and -1.5 into -2.PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN
Rounds val
towards zero when it is half way there, making 1.5 into 1 and -1.5 into -1.PHP_ROUND_HALF_EVEN
Rounds val
towards the nearest even value when it is half way there, making both 1.5 and 2.5 into 2.PHP_ROUND_HALF_ODD
Rounds val
towards the nearest odd value when it is half way there, making 1.5 into 1 and 2.5 into 3.
The value rounded to the given precision
as a float.
示例 #1 round() 例子
<?php var_dump(round(3.4)); var_dump(round(3.5)); var_dump(round(3.6)); var_dump(round(3.6, 0)); var_dump(round(5.045, 2)); var_dump(round(5.055, 2)); var_dump(round(345, -2)); var_dump(round(345, -3)); var_dump(round(678, -2)); var_dump(round(678, -3)); ?>
float(3) float(4) float(4) float(4) float(5.05) float(5.06) float(300) float(0) float(700) float(1000)
示例 #2 How precision
affects a float
<?php $number = 135.79; var_dump(round($number, 3)); var_dump(round($number, 2)); var_dump(round($number, 1)); var_dump(round($number, 0)); var_dump(round($number, -1)); var_dump(round($number, -2)); var_dump(round($number, -3)); ?>
float(135.79) float(135.79) float(135.8) float(136) float(140) float(100) float(0)
示例 #3 mode
<?php echo 'Rounding modes with 9.5' . PHP_EOL; var_dump(round(9.5, 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP)); var_dump(round(9.5, 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN)); var_dump(round(9.5, 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_EVEN)); var_dump(round(9.5, 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_ODD)); echo PHP_EOL; echo 'Rounding modes with 8.5' . PHP_EOL; var_dump(round(8.5, 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP)); var_dump(round(8.5, 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN)); var_dump(round(8.5, 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_EVEN)); var_dump(round(8.5, 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_ODD)); ?>
Rounding modes with 9.5 float(10) float(9) float(10) float(9) Rounding modes with 8.5 float(9) float(8) float(8) float(9)
示例 #4 mode
with precision
<?php echo 'Using PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP with 1 decimal digit precision' . PHP_EOL; var_dump(round( 1.55, 1, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP)); var_dump(round(-1.55, 1, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP)); echo PHP_EOL; echo 'Using PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN with 1 decimal digit precision' . PHP_EOL; var_dump(round( 1.55, 1, PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN)); var_dump(round(-1.55, 1, PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN)); echo PHP_EOL; echo 'Using PHP_ROUND_HALF_EVEN with 1 decimal digit precision' . PHP_EOL; var_dump(round( 1.55, 1, PHP_ROUND_HALF_EVEN)); var_dump(round(-1.55, 1, PHP_ROUND_HALF_EVEN)); echo PHP_EOL; echo 'Using PHP_ROUND_HALF_ODD with 1 decimal digit precision' . PHP_EOL; var_dump(round( 1.55, 1, PHP_ROUND_HALF_ODD)); var_dump(round(-1.55, 1, PHP_ROUND_HALF_ODD)); ?>
Using PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP with 1 decimal digit precision float(1.6) float(-1.6) Using PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN with 1 decimal digit precision float(1.5) float(-1.5) Using PHP_ROUND_HALF_EVEN with 1 decimal digit precision float(1.6) float(-1.6) Using PHP_ROUND_HALF_ODD with 1 decimal digit precision float(1.5) float(-1.5)
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- abs 绝对值(0)
- acos 反余弦(0)
- acosh 反双曲余弦(0)
- asin 反正弦(0)
- asinh 反双曲正弦(0)
- atan2 两个参数的反正切(0)
- atan 反正切(0)
- atanh 反双曲正切(0)
- base_convert 在任意进制之间转换数字(0)
- bindec 二进制转换为十进制(0)
- ceil 进一法取整(0)
- cos 余弦(0)
- cosh 双曲余弦(0)
- decbin 十进制转换为二进制(0)
- dechex 十进制转换为十六进制(0)
- decoct 十进制转换为八进制(0)
- deg2rad 将角度转换为弧度(0)
- exp 计算 e 的指数(0)
- expm1 返回 exp(number) - 1,甚至当 number 的值接近零也能计算出准确结果(0)
- fdiv Divides two numbers, according to IEEE 754(0)
- floor 舍去法取整(0)
- fmod 返回除法的浮点数余数(0)
- getrandmax 显示随机数最大的可能值(0)
- hexdec 十六进制转换为十进制(0)
- hypot 计算一直角三角形的斜边长度(0)
- intdiv 对除法结果取整(0)
- is_finite 判断是否为有限值(0)
- is_infinite 判断是否为无限值(0)
- is_nan 判断是否为合法数值(0)
- lcg_value 组合线性同余发生器(0)
- log10 以 10 为底的对数(0)
- log1p 返回 log(1 + number),甚至当 number 的值接近零也能计算出准确结果(0)
- log 自然对数(0)
- max 找出最大值(0)
- min 找出最小值(0)
- mt_getrandmax 显示随机数的最大可能值(0)
- mt_rand 生成更好的随机数(0)
- mt_srand 播下一个更好的随机数发生器种子(0)
- octdec 八进制转换为十进制(0)
- pi 得到圆周率值(0)
- pow 指数表达式(0)
- rad2deg 将弧度数转换为相应的角度数(0)
- rand 产生一个随机整数(0)
- round 对浮点数进行四舍五入(0)
- sin 正弦(0)
- sinh 双曲正弦(0)
- sqrt 平方根(0)
- srand 播下随机数发生器种子(0)
- tan 正切(0)
- tanh 双曲正切(0)
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