openssl_get_cipher_methods 获取可用的加密算法
发表日期:2021-07-01 08:55:21 | 来源: | | 浏览(1137) 分类:OpenSSL 函数
(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PHP 7, PHP 8)
openssl_get_cipher_methods — 获取可用的加密算法
= false
): array获取可用的加密算法的列表。
包含可用加密算法的array。 请注意:在 OpenSSL 1.1.1 版本之前,返回加密算法的拼法大小写都有; 从 OpenSSL 1.1.1 开始,统一只返回小写的形式。
示例 #1 openssl_get_cipher_methods() example
<?php $ciphers = openssl_get_cipher_methods(); $ciphers_and_aliases = openssl_get_cipher_methods(true); $cipher_aliases = array_diff($ciphers_and_aliases, $ciphers); //ECB mode should be avoided$ciphers = array_filter( $ciphers, function($n) { return stripos($n,"ecb")===FALSE; } ); //At least as early as Aug 2016, Openssl declared the following weak: RC2, RC4, DES, 3DES, MD5 based$ciphers = array_filter( $ciphers, function($c) { return stripos($c,"des")===FALSE; } ); $ciphers = array_filter( $ciphers, function($c) { return stripos($c,"rc2")===FALSE; } ); $ciphers = array_filter( $ciphers, function($c) { return stripos($c,"rc4")===FALSE; } ); $ciphers = array_filter( $ciphers, function($c) { return stripos($c,"md5")===FALSE; } ); $cipher_aliases = array_filter($cipher_aliases,function($c) { return stripos($c,"des")===FALSE; } ); $cipher_aliases = array_filter($cipher_aliases,function($c) { return stripos($c,"rc2")===FALSE; } ); print_r($ciphers); print_r($cipher_aliases); ?>
Array ( [0] => aes-128-cbc [1] => aes-128-cbc-hmac-sha1 [2] => aes-128-cbc-hmac-sha256 [3] => aes-128-ccm [4] => aes-128-cfb [5] => aes-128-cfb1 [6] => aes-128-cfb8 [7] => aes-128-ctr [9] => aes-128-gcm [10] => aes-128-ocb [11] => aes-128-ofb [12] => aes-128-xts [13] => aes-192-cbc [14] => aes-192-ccm [15] => aes-192-cfb [16] => aes-192-cfb1 [17] => aes-192-cfb8 [18] => aes-192-ctr [20] => aes-192-gcm [21] => aes-192-ocb [22] => aes-192-ofb [23] => aes-256-cbc [24] => aes-256-cbc-hmac-sha1 [25] => aes-256-cbc-hmac-sha256 [26] => aes-256-ccm [27] => aes-256-cfb [28] => aes-256-cfb1 [29] => aes-256-cfb8 [30] => aes-256-ctr [32] => aes-256-gcm [33] => aes-256-ocb [34] => aes-256-ofb [35] => aes-256-xts [36] => aria-128-cbc [37] => aria-128-ccm [38] => aria-128-cfb [39] => aria-128-cfb1 [40] => aria-128-cfb8 [41] => aria-128-ctr [43] => aria-128-gcm [44] => aria-128-ofb [45] => aria-192-cbc [46] => aria-192-ccm [47] => aria-192-cfb [48] => aria-192-cfb1 [49] => aria-192-cfb8 [50] => aria-192-ctr [52] => aria-192-gcm [53] => aria-192-ofb [54] => aria-256-cbc [55] => aria-256-ccm [56] => aria-256-cfb [57] => aria-256-cfb1 [58] => aria-256-cfb8 [59] => aria-256-ctr [61] => aria-256-gcm [62] => aria-256-ofb [63] => bf-cbc [64] => bf-cfb [66] => bf-ofb [67] => camellia-128-cbc [68] => camellia-128-cfb [69] => camellia-128-cfb1 [70] => camellia-128-cfb8 [71] => camellia-128-ctr [73] => camellia-128-ofb [74] => camellia-192-cbc [75] => camellia-192-cfb [76] => camellia-192-cfb1 [77] => camellia-192-cfb8 [78] => camellia-192-ctr [80] => camellia-192-ofb [81] => camellia-256-cbc [82] => camellia-256-cfb [83] => camellia-256-cfb1 [84] => camellia-256-cfb8 [85] => camellia-256-ctr [87] => camellia-256-ofb [88] => cast5-cbc [89] => cast5-cfb [91] => cast5-ofb [92] => chacha20 [93] => chacha20-poly1305 [111] => id-aes128-CCM [112] => id-aes128-GCM [113] => id-aes128-wrap [114] => id-aes128-wrap-pad [115] => id-aes192-CCM [116] => id-aes192-GCM [117] => id-aes192-wrap [118] => id-aes192-wrap-pad [119] => id-aes256-CCM [120] => id-aes256-GCM [121] => id-aes256-wrap [122] => id-aes256-wrap-pad [124] => idea-cbc [125] => idea-cfb [127] => idea-ofb [137] => seed-cbc [138] => seed-cfb [140] => seed-ofb [141] => sm4-cbc [142] => sm4-cfb [143] => sm4-ctr [145] => sm4-ofb ) Array ( [36] => aes128 [37] => aes128-wrap [38] => aes192 [39] => aes192-wrap [40] => aes256 [41] => aes256-wrap [69] => aria128 [70] => aria192 [71] => aria256 [72] => bf [77] => blowfish [99] => camellia128 [100] => camellia192 [101] => camellia256 [102] => cast [103] => cast-cbc [146] => idea [164] => seed [169] => sm4 )
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- openssl_csr_get_subject 返回CSR的主题(0)
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- openssl_csr_sign 用另一个证书签署 CSR (或者本身) 并且生成一个证书(0)
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- openssl_pkcs12_export 将 PKCS#12 兼容证书存储文件导出到变量(0)
- openssl_pkcs12_read 将 PKCS#12 证书存储区解析到数组中(0)
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- openssl_pkcs7_encrypt 加密一个 S/MIME 消息(0)
- openssl_pkcs7_read 将 PKCS7 文件导出为 PEM 格式证书的数组(0)
- openssl_pkcs7_sign 对一个 S/MIME 消息进行签名(0)
- openssl_pkcs7_verify 校验一个已签名的 S/MIME 消息的签名(0)
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- openssl_pkey_export_to_file 将密钥导出到文件中(0)
- openssl_pkey_export 将一个密钥的可输出表示转换为字符串(0)
- openssl_pkey_free 释放一个私钥(0)
- openssl_pkey_get_details 返回包含密钥详情的数组(0)
- openssl_pkey_get_private 获取私钥(0)
- openssl_pkey_get_public 从证书中解析公钥,以供使用。(0)
- openssl_pkey_new 生成一个新的私钥(0)
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- openssl_private_encrypt 使用私钥加密数据(0)
- openssl_public_decrypt 使用公钥解密数据(0)
- openssl_public_encrypt 使用公钥加密数据(0)
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- openssl_sign Generate signature(0)
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- openssl_spki_export 通过签名公钥和挑战导出一个可用的PEM格式的公钥(0)
- openssl_spki_new 生成一个新的签名公钥和挑战(0)
- openssl_spki_verify 验证签名公钥和挑战。(0)
- openssl_verify 验证签名(0)
- openssl_x509_check_private_key 检查私钥是否对应于证书(0)
- openssl_x509_checkpurpose 验证是否可以为特定目的使用证书(0)
- openssl_x509_export_to_file 导出证书至文件(0)
- openssl_x509_export 以字符串格式导出证书(0)
- openssl_x509_fingerprint 计算一个给定的x.509证书的指纹或摘要(0)
- openssl_x509_free 释放证书资源(0)
- openssl_x509_parse 解析一个X509证书并作为一个数组返回信息(0)
- openssl_x509_read 解析一个x.509证书并返回一个资源标识符(0)
- openssl_x509_verify Verifies digital signature of x509 certificate against a public key(0)
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- PCRE 函数(11)
- PCRE 正则语法(19)
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