assert 检查一个断言是否为 false
发表日期:2021-07-01 08:55:06 | 来源: | | 浏览(949) 分类:PHP 选项/信息 函数
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)
assert — 检查一个断言是否为 false
assert(mixed $assertion
, string $description
= ?): bool
assert(mixed $assertion
, Throwable $exception
= ?): bool
assert() 会检查指定的 assertion
并在结果为 false
Traditional assertions (PHP 5 and 7)
如果 assertion
是字符串,它将会被 assert() 当做 PHP 代码来执行。 assertion
是字符串的优势是当禁用断言时它的开销会更小,并且在断言失败时消息会包含 assertion
这意味着如果你传入了 boolean 的条件作为 assertion
,这个条件将不会显示为断言函数的参数;在调用你定义的 assert_options() 处理函数时,条件会转换为字符串,而布尔值 false
你应该用于完整性检查时测试条件是否始终应该为 true
断言不应该用于普通运行时操作,类似输入参数的检查。 作为一个经验法则,在断言禁用时你的代码也应该能够正确地运行。
assert() 的行为可以通过 assert_options() 来配置,或者手册页面上描述的 .ini 设置。
assert_options() ASSERT_CALLBACK
assert() 回调函数在构建自动测试套件的时候尤其有用,因为它们允许你简易地捕获传入断言的代码,并包含断言的位置信息。 当信息能够被其他方法捕获,使用断言可以让它更快更方便!
第二个参数包含了断言失败所在的行号,第三个参数包含了失败的表达式(如有任意 — 字面值例如 1 或者 "two" 将不会传递到这个参数)。
PHP 5.4.8 及更高版本的用户也可以提供第四个可选参数,如果设置了,用于将 description
指定到 assert()。
Expectations (PHP 7 only)
assert() is a language construct in PHP 7, allowing for the definition of expectations: assertions that take effect in development and testing environments, but are optimised away to have zero cost in production.
While assert_options() can still be used to control behaviour as described above for backward compatibility reasons, PHP 7 only code should use the two new configuration directives to control the behaviour of assert() and not callassert_options().
Directive | Default value | Possible values |
zend.assertions | 1 |
assert.exception | 0 |
断言。In PHP 5, this must be either a string to be evaluated or a boolean to be tested. In PHP 7, this may also be any expression that returns a value, which will be executed and the result used to indicate whether the assertion succeeded or failed.
失败了,选项 description 将会包括在失败信息里。exception
In PHP 7, the second parameter can be a Throwable object instead of a descriptive string, in which case this is the object that will be thrown if the assertion fails and the assert.exception configuration directive is enabled.
assertion 是 false 则返回 false
,否则是 true
版本 | 说明 |
7.0.0 | assert() is now a language construct and not a
function. assertion() can now be an expression.
The second parameter is now interpreted either as anexception (if aThrowable object is given), or as thedescription supported from PHP 5.4.8 onwards. |
5.4.8 | 增加了参数 description 。description 现在也作为第四个参数提供给 ASSERT_CALLBACK 模式里的回调函数。 |
Traditional assertions (PHP 5 and 7)
示例 #1 使用自定义处理程序处理失败的断言
<?php // 激活断言,并设置它为 quietassert_options(ASSERT_ACTIVE, 1); assert_options(ASSERT_WARNING, 0); assert_options(ASSERT_QUIET_EVAL, 1); //创建处理函数 function my_assert_handler($file, $line, $code){ echo "<hr>Assertion Failed: File '$file'<br /> Line '$line'<br /> Code '$code'<br /><hr />"; } // 设置回调函数assert_options(ASSERT_CALLBACK, 'my_assert_handler'); // 让一则断言失败assert('mysql_query("")'); ?>
示例 #2 使用自定义处理器打印描述信息
<?php // 激活断言,并设置它为 quietassert_options(ASSERT_ACTIVE, 1); assert_options(ASSERT_WARNING, 0); assert_options(ASSERT_QUIET_EVAL, 1); //创建处理函数 function my_assert_handler($file, $line, $code, $desc = null){ echo "Assertion failed at $file:$line: $code"; if ($desc) { echo ": $desc"; } echo "\n"; } // 设置回调函数assert_options(ASSERT_CALLBACK, 'my_assert_handler'); // Make an assertion that should failassert('2 < 1'); assert('2 < 1', 'Two is less than one'); ?>
Assertion failed at test.php:21: 2 < 1 Assertion failed at test.php:22: 2 < 1: Two is less than one
Expectations (PHP 7 only)
示例 #3 Expectations without a custom exception
<?php assert(true == false); echo 'Hi!'; ?>
With zend.assertions set to 0, the above example will output:
With zend.assertions set to 1 and assert.exception set to 0, the above example will output:
Warning: assert(): assert(true == false) failed in - on line 2 Hi!
With zend.assertions set to 1 and assert.exception set to 1, the above example will output:
Fatal error: Uncaught AssertionError: assert(true == false) in -:2 Stack trace: #0 -(2): assert(false, 'assert(true == ...') #1 {main} thrown in - on line 2
示例 #4 Expectations with a custom exception
<?php class CustomError extends AssertionError { } assert(true == false, new CustomError('True is not false!')); echo 'Hi!'; ?>
With zend.assertions set to 0, the above example will output:
With zend.assertions set to 1 and assert.exception set to 0, the above example will output:
Warning: assert(): CustomError: True is not false! in -:4 Stack trace: #0 {main} failed in - on line 4 Hi!
With zend.assertions set to 1 and assert.exception set to 1, the above example will output:
Fatal error: Uncaught CustomError: True is not false! in -:4 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in - on line 4
assert_options() - 设置/获取断言的各种标志
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