syslog Generate a system log message
发表日期:2021-07-01 08:56:42 | 来源: | | 浏览(932) 分类:网络 函数
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)
syslog — Generate a system log message
, string $message
): boolsyslog() generates a log message that will be distributed by the system logger.
For information on setting up a user defined log handler, see the syslog.conf (5) Unix manual page. More information on the syslog facilities and option can be found in the man pages for syslog (3) on Unix machines.
is a combination of the facility and the level. Possible values are:syslog() Priorities (in descending order) Constant Description LOG_EMERG
system is unusable LOG_ALERT
action must be taken immediately LOG_CRIT
critical conditions LOG_ERR
error conditions LOG_WARNING
warning conditions LOG_NOTICE
normal, but significant, condition LOG_INFO
informational message LOG_DEBUG
debug-level message -
The message to send, except that the two characters
will be replaced by the error message string (strerror) corresponding to the present value of errno.
成功时返回 true
, 或者在失败时返回 false
示例 #1 Using syslog()
<?php // open syslog, include the process ID and also send// the log to standard error, and use a user defined// logging mechanismopenlog("myScriptLog", LOG_PID | LOG_PERROR, LOG_LOCAL0); // some codeif (authorized_client()) { // do something} else { // unauthorized client! // log the attempt $access = date("Y/m/d H:i:s"); syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Unauthorized client: $access { $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']} ({ $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']} )"); } closelog(); ?>
On Windows NT, the syslog service is emulated using the Event Log.
Use of
for thefacility
parameter of openlog() is not available in Windows.
- openlog() - Open connection to system logger
- closelog() - 关闭系统日志链接
- syslog.filter INI setting (starting with PHP 7.3)
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- checkdnsrr 给指定的主机(域名)或者IP地址做DNS通信检查(0)
- closelog 关闭系统日志链接(0)
- dns_check_record 别名 checkdnsrr()(0)
- dns_get_mx 别名 getmxrr()(0)
- dns_get_record 获取指定主机的DNS记录(0)
- fsockopen 打开一个网络连接或者一个Unix套接字连接(0)
- gethostbyaddr 获取指定的IP地址对应的主机名(0)
- gethostbyname 返回主机名对应的 IPv4地址。(0)
- gethostbynamel 获取互联网主机名对应的 IPv4 地址列表(0)
- gethostname 获取主机名(0)
- getmxrr 获取互联网主机名对应的 MX 记录(0)
- getprotobyname Get protocol number associated with protocol name(0)
- getprotobynumber Get protocol name associated with protocol number(0)
- getservbyname 获取互联网服务协议对应的端口(0)
- getservbyport Get Internet service which corresponds to port and protocol(0)
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- header 发送原生 HTTP 头(0)
- headers_list 返回已发送的 HTTP 响应头(或准备发送的)(0)
- headers_sent 检测 HTTP 头是否已经发送(0)
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- long2ip 将长整型转化为字符串形式带点的互联网标准格式地址(IPV4)(0)
- openlog Open connection to system logger(0)
- pfsockopen 打开一个持久的网络连接或者Unix套接字连接。(0)
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- setrawcookie 发送未经 URL 编码的 cookie(0)
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- socket_set_blocking 别名 stream_set_blocking()(0)
- socket_set_timeout 别名 stream_set_timeout()(0)
- syslog Generate a system log message(0)
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