iconv_mime_encode Composes a MIME header field

发表日期:2021-07-01 08:55:46 | 来源: | | 浏览(1329) 分类:iconv 函数


(PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

iconv_mime_encodeComposes a MIME header field


iconv_mime_encode(string $field_name, string $field_value, array $options = []): string|false

Composes and returns a string that represents a valid MIME   header field, which looks like the following:

Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Pr=FCfung_f=FCr?= Entwerfen von einer MIME kopfzeile

In the above example, "Subject" is the field name and the portion that   begins with "=?ISO-8859-1?..." is the field value.


  • field_name

  • The field name.

  • field_value

  • The field value.

  • options

  • You can control the behaviour of iconv_mime_encode()   by specifying an associative array that contains configuration items       to the optional third parameter options.       The items supported by iconv_mime_encode() are       listed below. Note that item names are treated case-sensitive.

    Configuration items supported by iconv_mime_encode()
    ItemTypeDescriptionDefault valueExample
    schemestringSpecifies the method to encode a field value by. The value of            this item may be either "B" or "Q", where "B" stands forbase64 encoding scheme and "Q" stands forquoted-printable encoding scheme.BB
    input-charsetstringSpecifies the character set in which the first parameterfield_name and the second parameterfield_value are presented. If not given,iconv_mime_encode() assumes those parameters            are presented to it in the            iconv.internal_encoding            ini setting.iconv.internal_encodingISO-8859-1
    output-charsetstringSpecifies the character set to use to compose theMIME header.iconv.internal_encodingUTF-8
    line-lengthintSpecifies the maximum length of the header lines. The resulting            header is "folded" to a set of multiple lines in case            the resulting header field would be longer than the value of this            parameter, according to            » RFC2822 - Internet Message Format.            If not given, the length will be limited to 76 characters.76996
    line-break-charsstringSpecifies the sequence of characters to append to each line            as an end-of-line sign when "folding" is performed on a long header            field. If not given, this defaults to "\r\n"            (CR LF). Note that            this parameter is always treated as an ASCII string regardless            of the value of input-charset.\r\n\n


Returns an encoded MIME field on success,   or false if an error occurs during the encoding.


示例 #1 iconv_mime_encode() example

$preferences = array("input-charset" => "ISO-8859-1","output-charset"=>"UTF-8","line-length"=>76,"line-break-chars" => "\n");
$preferences["scheme"] = "Q";
// This yields "Subject: =?UTF-8?Q?Pr=C3=BCfung=20Pr=C3=BCfung?="
echo iconv_mime_encode("Subject", "Prüfung Prüfung", $preferences);
$preferences["scheme"] = "B";
// This yields "Subject: =?UTF-8?B?UHLDvGZ1bmcgUHLDvGZ1bmc=?="
echo iconv_mime_encode("Subject", "Prüfung Prüfung", $preferences);


  • imap_binary() - Convert an 8bit string to a base64 string

  • mb_encode_mimeheader() - 为 MIME 头编码字符串

  • imap_8bit() - Convert an 8bit string to a quoted-printable string

  • quoted_printable_encode() - 将 8-bit 字符串转换成 quoted-printable 字符串

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